Children are active, more active than most adults at least, and even more fearless when it comes to trying new things. With that, we also know how often they touch things they shouldn’t or fall and need a bandage. But how often do kids have what they need to fix these little life challenges while on the go? Maybe it’s time to put together a “KID KIT” with
small essentials that kids don’t know they need until it’s too late.
First thing you’ll need is a small pouch to hold everything. This could be a small makeup bag, a travel bag or even a pencil case. Anything that is small enough to throw in his or her backpack or overnight bag.
Next, we want to gather items that will be the most beneficial and helpful when the time comes. Some of these items can include:
- Bandages
- Safety Pins
- Bobby Pins
- Hand Sanitizer
- Hair Tie
- Wet Naps/ Moist Towelettes
- Nail Clippers
- Tissues
- Lint Roller
- Lip Balm
- Mints
- Granola Bar
- Anti-bacterial gel
For those kids who are a little older, you can add more items such as:
- Aspirin
- Antacid/Indigestion Relief Medicine
- Sewing Kit
- Stain Removal Pen or Wipe
- Deodorant
- Lotion
Another item that is good to add to the kit, especially if your child is younger, is a notecard with basic information such as emergency contact name and number and any other phone numbers that might be helpful, such a grandparent in case of emergencies.
Kids are too busy being kids to think about the “what ifs” until it is too late, so now is your chance to help them be prepared for what could happen in the future. All of the items on the lists above can be found at your local Marc’s. Check out our weekly
ad for deals!