For Oreo, the drive from Indiana was long. Even with potty breaks, it’s a fairly long trip, in a crate in the back of a car or van. Oreo came to town with the Canine Express Transport Project, which uses volunteers to transport shelter dogs from areas in Indiana with kennel overcrowding, to shelters like the APL that can help find them homes.
During the ride, Oreo dozed next to a brown dog named Chunk, who was making the trip, too. And Oreo dreamed. Not of the overcrowded, noisy place he came from. Instead, he dreamed of green grass, fresh air, and running free.
He awoke to the sound of the car door closing when the car arrived at the APL. The APL veterinary staff determined that the dogs were healthy and ready to find their homes. Chunk quickly found his new family. But not before Barbara saw Chunk on the APL website.
When Barbara saw him, she thought Chunk might be a good pal for her other dog, Copper. She was disappointed when she and her young son got to the APL and found that another family was adopting Chunk. Owen told his mom he “liked the black dog better,” so they met with Oreo. But Oreo spent most of their meeting keeping his distance. It took nearly twenty minutes for him to take a treat, and tentatively lick Owen. The next day, they brought Copper in to meet Oreo, but Oreo, still stressed, showed little interest in the other dog.
Oreo dozed, dreaming again. This time, he was riding in a car, on a lady’s lap, instead of in a crate. He must be on the road again, he thought, though the lady looked familiar somehow. Then, in his dream, the car stopped, and the lady clipped a leash on his collar. He got out of the car, and smelled the fresh air. He felt green grass beneath his paws. And he heard the sound of…what was that?!? Chickens! He’d seen them in Indiana! He couldn’t help himself. He felt his tail wagging, and heard himself bark. “Oh no,” he thought, “I’ll wake myself up from this wonderful dream!” But he didn’t. He barked again, just to be sure. He’d been awake all along! He couldn’t believe his eyes. That nice lady, Barbara, had taken a chance on him, and brought him to this wonderful place!

Oreo met the chickens, who were, frankly, a bit rude, but they were exciting! And there was Copper, his new brother, who showed him around the 32-acre farm that now was his home. And best of all? The boy who he’d kissed at the APL was to be his own boy, to sleep with, and play with, to grow up with, and to love. The boy, Owen, called him his “best pal Yogi.” Oreo realized he’d even gotten a new name to go with his wonderful new life. Yogi now lives with Barbara and her husband, his boy Owen, and Owen’s baby sister, in a life that is Yogi’s dream come true!
Information about the Cleveland APL
To meet the adoptable animals at the Cleveland APL, visit our adoption center in Tremont at 1729 Willey Avenue in Cleveland or our PetSmart Charities® Everyday Adoption Center in the Parma PetSmart® store at 6870 Ridge Road. To view all of the animals who are waiting for loving homes online or on your mobile device, visit
www.ClevelandAPL.org or download our free adoptions app on your iOS or Android device.
Our Facebook page is called “Cleveland Animal Protective League”. Here is the link to it for your reference:
Our Twitter handle is @Cleveland APL. Here is a link:
Carmen Rey
Communications & Events Coordinator
Cleveland Animal Protective League