Snow peas are a legume, a variety of pea eaten whole in its pod while still unripe. Made popular by a scientist named Gregor Mendei who demonstrated the herbal natures of this plant in China back in the 10th century and were popular in ancient Greece and Rome.
They are widely used in Chinese cooking but have become mainstream today in many stir fry recipes.
Snow peas are a good source of Vitamin K which helps keep calcium in bones and high in Vitamin B6. High in Folate which helps to improve heart health and they are a great source of iron.
HOW TO PICK: Snow peas should be shiny and flat with very small peas that are barely visible through the pod.
HOW TO STORE: Store unwashed peas in a perforated bag in your fridge crisper drawer for up to a week.
HOW TO COOK/ ENJOY: Eat them raw with your favorite veggie dip, quick steam them in your microwave or stove-top steamer, season to taste. Pairs well with fried rice and is a main must have ingredient in stir fry dishes. Try this…. Combine whole wheat noodles with snow peas, sun dried tomatoes, garlic and red pepper flakes.
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