Cara Cara Oranges (The Red Fruit)
It resembles a navel orange from the outside, the inner flesh is pinkish- red. The flavor is like that of an orange but slightly tangier, low in acid with a naturally sweet flavor.
This variety of orange is believed to have developed accidentally through a cross with other varieties at the Hacienda De Cara Cara in Venezuela in 1976 and they were brought to the states in the early 1980’s.
Peak harvesting season is November through February.
Cara Cara oranges are very high in Vitamin C, Folate, Vitamin A and very high in Potassium. This power packed citrus is gaining in popularity and with it’s low acidity, it is a great treat for kids.
HOW TO PICK: A good Cara Cara orange will feel heavy for it’s size, indicating that it is very juicy. The rind should be tight and firm and the color a bright glossy orange.
HOW TO STORE: Can be stored in your fridge crisper drawer for up to 2 weeks and last well at room temp for 4-5 days.
HOW TO EAT/ PREPARE: These oranges can be used in a variety of ways. Their slightly berry like sweet flavor tastes delicious when eaten alone and in fruit salads. They are great for juicing, eaten with yogurt and granola or cooked into jams, jellies and spreads.
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