Harrison is quite a catch–muscular and strong, with a broad, handsome face and big, easy grin. He loves his family and friends, and the great outdoors. You can meet him at the North Randall Fire Department, where he’s one of the crew. Harrison may be hanging out around the station, playing catch in the yard, or having a snack. You’ll recognize him immediately—he’s the one who is never in uniform. Harrison is one happy guy.
And it’s no wonder! Harrison is a young Mastiff/Plott Hound mix who came to the APL by way of the Cleveland City Kennel, through the APL’s Dog Transfer Program. The Dog Transfer Program allows us to help out other shelters, including some of our neighbors in Northeast Ohio, by bringing dogs to the APL to find their new homes. Because Harrison was transferred to the APL, we don’t know a lot about his past. But Harrison clearly is a live-in-the-moment guy, so the present is much more important to him. And Harrison now loves every minute of it, thanks to his “dad,” a firefighter named Mike.
Mike stopped into the APL just to look at the available dogs. He didn’t have any real plans to adopt that day. He walked through the kennels and was about to leave empty-handed. On his way out the door, he noticed Harrison, who was behind the adoption counter with the shelter staff and volunteers, getting a break from his kennel. Mike met with Harrison, who was playful and affectionate, and Harrison went home with Mike that day!
Harrison has been by Mike’s side ever since, through thick and thin. Mike explains, “For the past year, Harrison has been my best friend. He loves Jeep rides, playing fetch, and cuddling. He loves to play and annoy his kitten brothers and sisters. Harrison loves going to work at the fire station with me; my crews really enjoy having him around. I could not ask for a better dog.” And Harrison couldn’t ask for a better life. Thank you, Mike, for giving Harrison his happily-ever-after!
Information about the Cleveland APL
To meet the adoptable animals at the Cleveland APL, visit our adoption center in Tremont at 1729 Willey Avenue in Cleveland or our PetSmart Charities® Everyday Adoption Center in the Parma PetSmart® store at 6870 Ridge Road. To view all of the animals who are waiting for loving homes online or on your mobile device, visit www.ClevelandAPL.org or download our free adoptions app on your iOS or Android device.
Our Facebook page is called
“Cleveland Animal Protective League”.
Our Twitter handle is
@Cleveland APL
Cleveland Animal Protective League
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