When we adopt an animal from a shelter, it’s often said that we have rescued them. Lots of times, though, they rescue us right back, bringing love and companionship into our lives. So it was with Precious, Shadow and Philip.
When Precious and Shadow were surrendered to the APL, the seven- and four-year old German Shepherd mixes were in reasonably good health, but thin, a little stressed and somewhat anxious. They had lived together for some time and were attached to one another. Shadow in particular disliked being separated from her big “sister.”
It was decided that Precious and Shadow would benefit from some time away from the shelter, an environment that can be particularly stressful for some dogs. They went to stay with two special foster care volunteers, Caryn and Chris. Like other foster parents, Caryn and Chris gave them good food, lots of love, and plenty of attention. Unlike most foster care assignments, however, Caryn and Chris cared for Precious and Shadow for nearly six months. Precious and Shadow had the opportunity to rest, relax, and put on some weight, in a safe, nurturing environment. Then, they were ready to find their new home.
Precious and Shadow became available for adoption at just the right time. Philip had lost his fourteen-year-old Shepherd mix just a few months earlier. Her death and other changes in Philip’s life left him something of an empty-nester, whose house was now a little too quiet. Philip decided to look for another canine companion–or maybe two—to keep him company. He saw Precious and Shadow on the APL website, and arranged to meet them, along with Chris and Caryn, at the APL. The five spent a good bit of time getting to know one another, and Philip decided that Precious and Shadow would be a welcome addition to his home. As Philip has five lovely daughters who would spend time with the dogs, the next step was to introduce the canine girls to the human girls. Caryn and Chris brought Precious and Shadow to Philip’s house, so everyone could meet. Precious instantly fell for one of girls and lay down next to her. Shadow was relaxed and went to work getting acquainted with everyone. It was clear a good match had been made!
And so, Philip’s nest became much less empty. Precious and Shadow have settled happily into their new home. Precious is an independent older lady, who does things at her own pace, while Shadow is a more of a people-pleaser, who gazes adoringly into the eyes of her new humans. The dogs love roaming their yard, getting their noses scratched, and soliciting attention from Philip and his daughters. In fact, they love attention so much that it seems that one can sense when the other is being petted—even in another room. Philip describes the scene, “the one who is not getting attention will trot in, as if to say, ‘Hey, I heard there was some petting going on in here. I like petting…’”
Philip did a great kindness, rescuing these two not-so-small dogs, giving them not only a warm, comfortable home, but a home together. And the dogs repaid Philip in turn, giving not only their love and affection, but also an unexpected bonus—a warm friendship with Caryn and Chris, who Philip now considers family as well. All of these new family members, Philip reflects, canine and human, came at a time when he needed warmth, stability and companionship. Who rescued whom? In the end, we don’t have to decide. Instead, we can simply offer congratulations to all on this very happy new beginning!
Information about the Cleveland APL
To meet the adoptable animals at the Cleveland APL, visit our adoption center in Tremont at 1729 Willey Avenue in Cleveland or our PetSmart Charities® Everyday Adoption Center in the Parma PetSmart® store at 6870 Ridge Road. To view all of the animals who are waiting for loving homes online or on your mobile device, visit
www.ClevelandAPL.org or download our free adoptions app on your iOS or Android device.
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Our Twitter handle is @Cleveland APL. Here is a link: